About Us

About Us

Exochos Static Technologies is established in the year 2020 and manufactures ESD products in India. We believe in creating a better ecosystem for semiconductor manufacturing in India. Exochos Static Technologies believes in developing quality manufacturing and sustainable product for the betterment of Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) in India.

We have been serving sectors of Aerospace, Defence, Ultra-sensitive PCB manufacturing industries. We manufacture products according to consumer applications. Exochos Static Technologies provide ESD Audits and Industrial training (Management & Operator Level).

We are looking forward to developing more products in ESD Domain.

Our Mission

We are looking forward to developing more products in ESD Domain.

Our Vision

Exochos Static Technologies believes in developing quality manufacturing and sustainable product for the betterment of Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) in India.

Why Choose Us

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  • Audit & Assurance
  • Dedicated Team
  • Best Advisors
  • Network Solutions
  • 24/7 Supports
  • Work Deadline

Meet Our Teams

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Ameya Bakare

Ameya Bakare

Director, Exochos Static Technologies connect.exochos@gmail.com +91-9309132622

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